Summer is here!
And it’s time to shake it up and renew our passion for work and life. What will YOU do to “recharge your batteries” this warm summer season?
Will you plan time to nourish your creativity? Of course you will, because it will feel SO good.
AND… when you fill your summer with creativity, you’ll look back with satisfaction on a summer well spent, when fall season rolls around.

Lately I have been immersing myself in my own creative process, to combat zoom fatigue and pandemic overwhelm. My creative side was beginning to feel a bit dormant, but with small and consistent efforts, I’ve revived it again. Here are some ideas that might help you revive yours:
How to Jumpstart Your Creativity – A Summer Plan:
1. Try a Free Creativity Class
There are so many FREE art and creativity classes being offered on-line these days. Check out this Nature Mandala I created during a virtual Women’s Circle…all delivered professionally, for free. So interesting and a lot of fun. I know you are seeing these same types of offerings on social media, so I recommend you try a few this summer – what have you got to lose?
2. Have Fun at Summer Festivals
Summer is the time for festivals, so make a plan to visit at least one for fun. As part of my commitment to jumpstart my own creativity, I attended The Brewery Art Walk, something I had meaning to do for years. What creative outdoor festivals are there in your community?
3. Fiddle with Old Craft Supplies
I like to make tissue paper collages with water & white glue, a good way to play with “bleeding tissue paper” that color blends when wet. I pulled out a bin of tissue scraps last week. What colorful scraps & loose ends do you have in a craft bin somewhere?

4. Get Creative with Your Family
We just gifted my daughter an Artist’s Date for her birthday – a gift that included the whole family. It was an unforgettable day of acrylic paint pouring, with Artist & Art Teacher Rocio Borzage. Rocio’s instructional style is incredible, she is a rare gift. If you live in SoCal, her immersive art experiences must get on your list!

5. Make Friends who Like Art
I made a new friend this week who told me I inspired her to add more CREATIVITY to her life.
Thank you to the lovely and talented Dionne Bennet, Site Director from Crystal Stairs Head Start.
You made my week!
And so my friends…Get out there and seize the summer for your own creativity… It is your time to shine.
Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and share your experiences. I hope you enjoy connecting with like minded spirits as much as I do.